
The free Windows PC monitoring, analysis and configuration tool for all Wattius wBMS products.

The Wattius wBMS-Toolkit is a Windows PC software provided free-of-charge that allows real-time monitoring of all BMS data and configuration of thousands of system parameters. The wBMS-Toolkit is compatible with all Wattius wBMSTM products. Connection between wBMS-Toolkit and the devices can be established through USB, CAN bus, Ethernet or even Bluetooth.

Thousands of system parameters can be configured through the wBMS-Toolkit, such as I/O functions, multiple operation modes, advanced SoP and SoC cell characteristics,  CAN bus communication protocols or parallelisation options. Configurations can be exported, saved into files and imported.

The wBMS-Toolkit is also an excellent tool to view detailed diagnostics and troubleshooting information. Maximum lifetime measurements of the BMS can also be accessed.

Multiple access levels with different privileges can be setup for different users. Customer can integrated their software tools with the wBMS-Toolkit using included API.

Connectivity & Monitoring

  • Compatibility with all wBMSTM products using a single software tool.
  • Real-time monitoring of all BMS data.
  • Connection over USB, CAN bus, Ethernet and Bluetooth.
  • Possibility to use MQTT broker for remote operation over Internet.
  • Data-logging.

Configuration parameters

  • Thousands of configuration parameters.
  • Customisation of inputs and outputs functions.
  • 2 different operation modes.
  • Custom balancing strategies, actuation signals, and much more.
  • Configure parallelisation of up to 16 battery strings for large-capacity systems.
  • Export / Import of configuration files.

SoP & SoC

  • Advanced State-of-Performance configurations. Maximum charge and discharge current tables based on cell voltage, temperature and SoC.
  • Advanced configuration of State-of-Charge cell characteristics based on cell voltage and temperature, with up to 2.000 points.
  • Import / Export to excel files.

Data Logging & Analysis

  • Detailed diagnostics.
  • View system maximum lifetime measurements and statistics.
  • Firmware update of the wBMSTM devices.
  • API for integration with customer tools.
  • Multiple access levels.

Contact us for detailed technical information and get your evaluation download.